DS-K4T108 Bolt Electric Lock 門禁系統電插鎖 Electric Bolt, 205×34×42mm (8.1×1.3×1.7"), 12VDC, ≤1.2A (Startup Current), 0.2A (Standby) Auto-locking if induction module is detected Suitable for wooden door, glass door, metal door Equipped with internal voltage dependent resistor (MOV) Signal output of door lock status (NO\NC\COM) Abrasion-proof materials Shell is made of aldural and is hard anodizing electroplated. 📌 產品以實物及廠家最新公佈為準, 如有修改, 恕不另行通知, 敬請留意! ✅ 支援 HIKVISION 及 第三方門禁系統 👇 以下單價庫存僅供參考,最終售價及庫存量以門市為準 👇 以下售價為澳門元(MOP)
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