HIKVISION DS-PHA64-LP Alarm Panel Alarm Panel 防盜系統主機 Hybrid system: 8 on-board zones and 56 wired/wireless zones expandable; 4 on-board outputs (2 relay outputs and 2 I/O outputs) and 60 wired/wireless outputs expandable Dual-path communication of alarm events and other signals over LAN, PSTN, Wi-Fi, GPRS or 3G/4G utilizing a main and backup channel with configurable priority 4-ch onboard IP Camera video verification, supports video recording (5s pre-alarm + 2s post-alarm, or 2s pre-alarm + 5s post-alarm) for verification to the alarm receiving email or mobile client Supports arming/disarming via keypad, keyfob, mobile client, iVMS-4200, SMS and tag Pushes alarm notification via messages and Hik-Connect Supports ISAPI, Cloud P2P, ISUP, CSV-IP and DC-09 protocol Supports 1 Speed-X BUS ✅ 支援 HIKVISION 及第三方防盜系統傳感器、探測器及門磁 (Sensor/Detector/Door Contact) 📌 產品以實物及廠家最新公佈為準, 如有修改, 恕不另行通知, 敬請留意! 👇 以下單價庫存僅供參考,最終售價及庫存量以門市為準 👇 以下售價為澳門元(MOP)



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